Since the inaugural training, Sumi has never turned a student (or client) away for a lack of funds. This however means that she has volunteered hundreds of hours to this work. After much thought and guidance we have come up with a much more sustainable system in closing the access gap. 

The scholarship fund is an accumulation of grassroots fundraising, grants, and private donations. The purpose of this fund is to ensure that people are able to obtain training that is comprehensive and relevant to the population they will be serving. At this moment, each cohort will have 4 partial (50%) scholarships awarded. The remaining half will be paid via the student. This fund is for those who otherwise would not be able to attend, even with a long term payment plan. Before applying please consider ALL of our many payment plan options. If you are able, please consider becoming a monthly donor of this fund to support in closing the access gaps which inherently saves lives!

Apply to the Scholarship Program


Apply to the Scholarship Program 〰️

    • own the home you live in

    • have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money or more than an emergency fund savings account

    • travel for recreation

    • have access to family/network money in times of need

    • work part-time or are unemployed by choice including unemployment due to full-time school in a degree-earning program

    • possess a high degree of earning power due to level of education, title, or gender and class background, etc - make significant tax deductible donations

    • are single or without dependents

    • have multiple people contributing to your needs being met - are in repayment or have already paid off long standing debts

    • have private/employer health insurance + other benefits

    • have access to reliable transportation

    • are able to miss work due to sickness or relaxation and still pay next month’s bills

    • travel when needed, especially for an unexpected event (funeral or emergency)

    • able to maintain “non-essentials” such as subscriptions + cosmetic appointments

    • are supporting children or other dependents

    • have significant debt

    • have medical expenses not covered by insurance

    • are eligible for public assistance

    • are an elder or on disability with limited financial support

    • are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history

    • support your community through unpaid labor/services

    • experience discrimination in hiring or pay level

    • experience inconsistency paying bills due to self-employment or underpaid work

This scholarship program is fueled by amazing community members like you.

Please support our scholarship program by sponsoring a doula or becoming a monthly donor

Sponsor a seat to our doula training


Thank You To Our Donors


Thank You To Our Donors 〰️

Rae'Chel Stanley + Mira Stern + Megan McClellan + Julia Demillones Moore + Marcie Parisi + amalie araujo + Neram Niminde + Lisa Scott + Geovanna N Ordonez + Nikki Stalker + RACHAEL JUNARD + Vanessa Jackson + Maya E Scott-Chung + Cheryll Thompson + kierra otis + Danielle Benjamin + Simone Brodner + Rachel Levine + Katarina Kabick + Dana Averbook + Crystal Yescas + Melissa Smith + micah frazier + bayan abbasi + Brigette Barnato + Leah Hartog + Camilla Maguire + Karen Merzenich + Yankele Greene + Angela Gallo + cameron boutte + r rohlfs + Melissa McGrath + Meriel DeLong + Alexandra Hood + Emily Ozer + Isabella Batts + Ruby Mayer + Cassidy Howell + Rebecca Leung + Pamela Hines + Elizabeth Kelly + Jennifer F + Courtney Harmon + Lena Muenke + Catherine Billings + Jade Cureton +