Mind Your F_cking Business


Turn your passion into your profit.

“Mind Ya F*cking Business” is a webinar that offers 5 main aspects of taking “ya business” to the next level.

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This webinar is especially for those who have hobbies or endeavors that bring you JOY. Following our joy is a direct pathway to fulfilling our purpose. 

Join us to learn how turning your passion into your paycheck is just a paradigm shift away! 

Mind Your F*cking Business

Saturday January 27th 6:00pm - 7:30pm PST

This webinar is for anyone who wishes to do the necessary internal work to access their most purpose-driven life! 

Whether you are a multi-figure CEO or just sprouting your visions and dreams, you will walk away feeling more grounded and most importantly- inspired! 

Objective/ what will you walk away with:

  • Clarity of what your goals are for this year 

  • More confidence in trusting your most inspired self 

  • A deeper understanding or how rest is essential in accessing inspiration 

  • Tools for clearly hearing your inner guidance system

  • Tips on how to have work-life balance  

  • An inside look of how I built sustainability by resting more 

  • Tips on working smarter and not harder 

  • Annnnndddd so much more! 

I am a firm believer that each human has a purpose. There is a voice that guides each of us to stay on track, while aligning with the fulfillment of our life's purpose…

But what happens when we can no longer hear it? 

We find ourselves detouring and taking the scenic route to actualizing a joy-filled life… settling instead, for the mundane life that affords us stability but compromises our fulfillment.

It’s time to get back to our JOY and the unfolding of our purpose. I’m offering a set of tools to help shift into a space where we can access our internal guidance and make our path more clear. 
